
Friday, 28 June 2024

Text Coverage

As part of RPI we have been introduced to a workbook that we can use as a tool to collate all of our data for reading as well as tracking our learners, planning and text coverage. Part of our homework between sessions three and four was to fill out the text coverage section of our workbook. I decided to start with reflecting on term one to see what I had completed and where any of my gaps might have been with text selection. 

I started by looking at groups individually and seeing what we had covered during our guided reading sessions. One thing I noticed straight away was how heavily I had used fiction texts during term one. I then decided to have a look at whole class teaching for reading and realised that as a class we had covered a lot of non-fiction texts related to the overall reading topic of the week. 

One key learning I had from being able to visually see my text coverage was that there were lots of gaps with texts such as poems, novel and pictures. I think as teachers we often forget how powerful pictures can be for our students and how reading these can be helpful in transferring inferencing from images to text. 

Next steps for me on this is to continue to work on filling out the text coverage sheet and use this in my mid to long term planning to ensure that all text types are covered. 

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