
Thursday, 26 October 2023

Data check in

At our last PLG we were asked to look at what kind of data we have used throughout the year and think forwards to our bursts and bubble presentations coming up in a few weeks. I have used a mixture of both qualitative and quantitate data throughout my inquiry this year. Below I have outlined each of ways that I have collected data and how I will use these data to see how effective the intervention has been. 

Guided Reading Data
This has been obtained through anecdotal notes throughout the year. This has been the best and easy way to keep track of my students throughout the year. It has also given me a way to tweak the intervention as I go and make changes. 

Running Record Data
I have been looking at this data throughout the year to see if there have been improvements from the intervention. I have used this to not only look at reading age and level but which aspects of reading that these students are needing to work on. 

PAT Data
I will use this data to see the changes in reading throughout the year also. I have placed this data into different categories to be able to have a closer and more in-depth look. 

Key into Inference Data 
Unfortunately this has been been an area that I have not been so onto it with documenting but from what I have see and how I have used this tool it has been very informative and successful. 

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