
Wednesday, 21 June 2023

Mid Year Testing Data

 We have just completed our mid year testing which has been the perfect opportunity to have a look at my data in a bit more detail and reassess any changes that I might need to make coming into term 3. It was very interesting looking at my data as I can see that some of my target students have made some incredible gains during mid year testing. This has also made me have to rethink my data set a little bit and potentially add a new group of target students. This is something to ponder over the holidays and see what changes I need to make. Below I have outlined my data so far and what I have found for this inquiry as of mid year testing.

This is a break down of my June running record data. This year I have wanted to focus in on the comprehension part of the test and see if there are any trends in the data. 

I have then looked at my beginning of the year data to see if there has been any changes or shifts in the comprehension part of the running records. Below I have added the beginning of the year data. 

From looking at this data I can see that there was a shift in comprehension scores for some of the texts where they students were able to infer meaning better in our term 2 testing. I can also see that applied knowledge, vocabulary and inferring are key areas of interest to focus on. From looking at this raw data I wanted to have a look at the shift in levels as well as ages for this group of target learners which I have outlined in the graphs below. 

This graph shows the reading change in reading levels from November 2022 (end of year testing) and June 2023 testing for reports. As you can see from the graph there were 3 students who made no shift in level at all and then the rest of this target group were able to make gains of at least one level with some making progress of three levels with their running records. I like to look at this in levels as well as ages as sometimes the students can make progress but this is not reflective in reading age. Below I have added the graph of reading ages.

This graph shows shows the changes in reading ages from November 2022 to June 2023 testing. This is very similar to the reading levels graph and shows the progress and shift from the reading ages. There has been significant shift in some of these learners and their reading ages. 

My take aways from this data is that I need to look at my reading groups again and reorganise these according to the this data I have been looking at. I need to also decide if I will add in extra students to this data pool as I have some students who have moved to these levels that I have been monitoring. I need to have a look at the students who didn't make any shift and see what I can do to help these students and focus on areas that need to be worked on. I really like taking a look at the middle of the year as it is a good point to see what has been working and what might need some changes. So watch this space as I go into the holidays looking at this with fresh eyes coming into term 3. 

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