
Wednesday, 14 September 2022

Describing my evidence

Describe the evidence you have so far about the effects of your changed practices or intervention on desired learner outcomes and how you summarised and recorded these:

One of the key things that I have been looking at this week is the evidence that I am using for my inquiry and how I can best describe and show this looking at my data. Below I have outlined some of the key data that I have been collecting and how it has been summarised and recorded. 

  • Spelling tests - I have been using spelling words that are related to our reading topic for the week and trying to link this into writing as well. In order to see if this is working and being used in writing I have been conducting spelling tests each week and looking at the students writing to see if these words have been coming up. Each week the class will have a pre test where I record down the results of the words they spelt correctly or incorrectly in a spreadsheet. I then complete a post test at the end of the week where the students have learnt the words and taken them home for homework and again I record down the words that were correct and incorrect and compare this with the beginning of the week. What I have noticed so far is that my students who have been working at home to learn these words as well as completing the weekly spelling tasks tend to spell more words correctly on a Friday as well as use these words in writing for the week. 
  • Running record data - I have used beginning and mid year data to see how my students are tracking. This gave me a detailed indication of the next steps for my learners and what they need in order to progress to the next level. The running records show the levels that my students are at and can advised my next teaching steps. These also give a clear indication if my inquiry is working and any tweaks that I needed to make. Running records are something that I have continued to use throughout the year if I felt a student had made progress. 
  • PAT reading and star data - I used this data at the beginning of the year as a base for where to group my students especially those who were not at school for the last part of 2021. I will use this data from the end of year testing and compare to the beginning of the year to see if there has been any shift. 
  • Well being survey - I have stored this data in a spreadsheet where I can see how the students have felt with their well being at school. I will again conduct this same survey to see if there are improvements in the students well being. 
  • Reading for enjoyment survey - I have stored this data in a spreadsheet where I can see how the students have felt with reading and their enjoyment. I will again conduct this same survey to see if there are improvements in the students student enjoyment for reading. 
These are a few of the ways that I have gathered data for my inquiry and the results from the data have provided insight into my implementation and I have made changes as I have needed.

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