
Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Collection of information around implementation

My next step and part of my inquiry is to see how I can collect information around what I have implemented in the classroom in regards to my inquiry question. I will discuss these ideas in detail below. 

Spelling: In order to see how my students are going with vocabulary I will be running weekly spelling tests. We will have a pretest on Monday before the students have seen the words to see how many of these words they are able to spell correctly. We will then have a post test on Friday morning where the students have had to opportunity to practice and use these specific words for the week. I will then compare pre and post test data to see how they students are going with the new words. These will be recorded in an excel spreadsheet each week along with how much time the learners were given to practice their spelling in class time that week. 

Anecdotal notes: I would like to each week work with students individually on my CoL release and listen to the students read aloud one on one. During these session I will record anecdotal notes to see what are the key areas that each individual students needs to work on with decoding and comprehension. With some of my target learners I have found many of them will read too quickly and often miss out the endings of words which again can have an effect on the meaning of those particular words. I will record this by using a google doc with the date and notes that I have taken during that particular session. 

Word wall: I will continue using this in the classroom I will access how this is used by seeing if the students are using these words in conversations, discussions along with writing and research tasks they are completing each week. 

Spot check running records: I will continue to complete running records when I feel that a student in my target group has made some progress and may need to be tested at the next level. Again I can use this data with detailed notes from the running records to see how the students are progressing and also gain perspective on the areas of learning that are required. 

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