
Wednesday, 26 October 2022

Evaulating and Reflecting

To what extent was the intervention successful in changing factors such as teaching? To what extent were those changes in teaching effective in changing patterns of student learning?

From what I can see so far the intervention success can be seen through the use of vocabulary of my learners in their writing as well as an understanding of key words associated with a specific topic. I think that these changes have allowed the students the confidence to be able to try and understand new words and read them into the tex. Another thing I have noticed how my students have changed to have an excitement in reading and wanting to have SSR as well as go to the library and choose books that they want to read.

Reflection on professional learning through this inquiry cycle:

I have learnt a lot professionally through this inquiry one of the key ones I think which is so important is being it back to the well being of students and teachers. This year has been by far one of the most challenge in my teaching career with all of the uncertainty of what covid was going to being this year and by opening up the community it was a very strange and interesting experience. I think by allowing my time to think about how I was feeling at these times made me relate to my students and stop and think well if I am feeling this then what are my students and their whanau feeling? It has been a very long and stressful year this year with so much going on and I think coming back to thinking about well being as been so important for everyone. I had also always viewed reading and writing differently in my planning for some reason but this year by trying to link them has made my planning easier and I have found that my students are more engaged with writing, it has also meant that I can focus on other key elements of writing through the topic which has been great for writing structure and language features. I really have learnt a lot from this years inquiry and think that there is a lot more to learn in this area to continue on looking into.

Saturday, 22 October 2022

Qualitative Data & Quantitative Data

For our last PLG we were asked to think about our data collection and if it was qualitative or quantitate. We were then to have discussions in groups around what data we would share for our bursts and bubbles presentations. What I have found for my inquiry this year as I have a mixture of both and think that I will share a range of different evidence that I have found using both qualitative and quantitate data. I have outlined this in a bit more detail below:

Qualitative Data

  • Notes and reflections from my guided reading sessions that I have had with my target groups and target learners. 
  • Notes made from running records at mid year and then analysing the notes made from the tester of running records at the end of the year to see if there have been shifts and changes (unfortunately these will not be ready in time for bursts and bubbles but I will still check them out once I receive them.)
  • Discussions with students and direct quotes about their reading and enjoyment.
Quantitative Data
  • Running record data showing the difference from the beginning of the year to the end of the year. 
  • PAT reading data and star data, while I am waiting for running records data I will be able to use this to see if there are changes and improvements. 
  • Well being survey data this will show how students are feeling now in comparison to the beginning of the year. 
  • Reading enjoyment survey data this will show how students are feeling now in comparison to the beginning of the year. 
  • Spelling data from the pre and post tests that I have been conducting. 
  • Writing data? I think I would be interested to make comparisons between the vocabulary scores again I am unsure if I will have this data before bursts and bubbles but will be an interesting thing to analyse and see if there is a difference. 
So I do have lots of options of data I know just need to decide what I will be able to share in my 3 minute snap shot of my inquiry. In reflection I think it will be really important to show the changes in reading data as well as well being and reading enjoyment so I think I will focus on these three areas however will also analyse all of the other data and share this on my blog at a later date. 

Thursday, 13 October 2022

Class OnAir: Claude Monet Art

Last term our school theme was "Art Works" and our teams focus question was how can I express myself through the arts. I created a lesson for Class OnAir this term that incorporated my reading and writing through art. I thought this lesson fit in really well with my inquiry and shows the links that I have been trying to make between reading and writing. This term I was lucky enough to add art into the mix. Please check out my lesson below:

The learning intention for this lesson was to research, investigate and understand the artist Claude Monet and his famous artworks. This lesson shows a whole class reading lesson where the students learn all about Claude Monet's life and paintings. This lesson also shows the students sharing their facts and ideas with each other. Finally this lesson shows the students creating one of Claude Monet's famous paintings. 

I really enjoyed teaching this lesson even though it was a bit stressful with the paint! You can check out the full lesson plan and extended reflection here. During the term we had also been an art critic looking at some of Claude Monet's work which was really nice to tie in at the end of the term. 

Dreaming of 2025...

What achievement challenge are you considering as an area of focus in 2023 and why? Include in your WHY both evidence and your own passion/e...