
Wednesday, 30 January 2019

Welcome to 2019 - MIT 2019

This year I am lucky enough to be apart of the Manaiakalani Innovative Teachers (MIT) program. I will be inquiring into reading and how I can make accelerated shift for my learners who are reading below the age of 9. I am a year 6 teacher at Pt England school and I share an innovative learning space with two other teachers. When looking at my class data last year and looking ahead into 2019 I noticed that there is a large number of year 6 learners who are sitting below the reading age of 9. 
Looking into the shift with my 2018 learners some of them made shift however there were still some suck (for lack of a better word) between the ages of 8 and 8.5 years reading age. This is trend that I have seen in my class over the last 2 years and then looking at the data for this year I could see the same trend. My big question is why is this happening and what can we do to help these learners. I hope with my inquiry this year that I am able to understand what is happening with this reading level and also how I can help my learners have accelerated shift in this area. I am currently writing up my proposal to share at the MIT hui in a few weeks. I will be updating my journey throughout the year. I am very excited for this year and to see how I can help my learners. Moonshot coming soon. 

Summary Student Learning

My focus question for this year has been: "Will implementing ground rules for talk and collaborative activities during guided reading s...